The Ministry of Health is advising members of the public that Minister of Health, the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, was reviewed by the medical team at the Arima General Hospital this afternoon (Wednesday 31st August 2022) and subsequently discharged to continue his recovery at home.
In a brief Media Release, the Ministry said the Minister “would like to thank the staff of Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex Accident and Emergency Department for their initial attention and also the staff at the Arima General Hospital for their caring professionalism.” Minister Deyalsingh also expressed his “deep gratitude for the hundreds of messages of prayer and support that I received, especially from my beloved constituents of St. Joseph.” He first presented to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope, on Monday night (29th August 2022), after experiencing flu-like symptoms and was then transferred to the Arima General Hospital. The Ministry noted at the time that a diagnosis of COVID-19 was ruled out.
The Ministry of Health revealed in its daily COVID-19 update this afternoon (Wednesday 31st August 2022) that there are 182 new COVID-19 cases in Trinidad and Tobago plus five (5) unfortunate deaths. T&T’s total active positive cases is currently at 5,694.
The number of new cases represents a 47.97% increase in reported cases from yesterday. The number of new deaths matches the second highest for the month. Active cases have been decreasing for four (4) consecutive days. The Ministry provided the following information about the latest deaths:
There have been 7,636 new cases and ninety-one (91) deaths in the month of August. Compared to July, cases have increased by 73.03% and deaths by 116.67%. The Ministry reported 123 new cases yesterday plus five (5) additional deaths. The country’s death toll has increased to 4,144. As of 24th August 2022, 308 deaths were fully vaccinated persons while 3,415 deaths were not fully vaccinated. 390 deaths were recorded prior to 24th May 2021 (date at which the first group of vaccinated persons became fully vaccinated). A total of 716,407 persons have been fully vaccinated, representing 51.2% of the population. Meanwhile, 683,593 persons are not fully vaccinated (only received a first dose or no doses), representing 48.8% of the population. 168,246 persons in total have taken a booster shot. Based on data from 22nd July 2021 - 24th August 2022, 4,145 patients in the parallel healthcare system (Hospitals and step-down facilities) are fully vaccinated, representing 20.3%, while 16,244 are not fully vaccinated, representing 79.7%. The Ministry states that the number of positive cases reported reflects the samples taken during a 2-day period between 29th - 30th August 2022 and not the last twenty-four (24) hours. The Ministry also notes that there are currently 217 COVID-19 positive patients in total being treated at Hospitals and step-down facilities (down 8.44% from yesterday). Nine (9) are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and five (5) are in the High Dependency Unit (HDU). In her Independence Day message today (Wednesday 31st August 2022), Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said, “Our country and our people deserve better. We deserve a Government that cares about its citizens and will take decisive action to improve our circumstances.” Read the Opposition Leader’s full statement below on the 60th Independence of Trinidad and Tobago: Let us continue to work to build the nation our forefathers envisioned. A 39-year-old man from Sangre Grande was granted bail in the sum of $350,000 with a surety when he appeared before Magistrate Cheron Raphael at the Sangre Grande Magistrates’ Court on Monday (29th August 2022). He was charged with three (3) offences, Choking with Intent to Render Unconscious, Cruelty to a Child, and Assault by Beating.
As part of the bail condition, the man must stay 100 meters away from the victims and must not have any communication with them, whether directly or indirectly. The accused is expected to re-appear in court on 23rd September 2022. According to a Police report, on Monday 25th July 2022, a woman was at her home with her husband. It is alleged that the man became enraged after he saw his 7-year-old son remove bedsheets from the bed. He then held onto his son, dragged him to another room and began choking him. The woman saw what was happening and attempted to intervene, but she was kicked in her face. The report also stated that on Monday 1st August 2022, the woman was at home with her husband when they had a disagreement over an iPad. The man allegedly became enraged, and pushed, choked and dragged the woman. After receiving a report about the incident, Officers of the Sangre Grande Police Station, Special Victims Department (SVD), conducted an investigation into the matter, and the man was subsequently arrested and charged with the offences. The investigation was co-ordinated by W/Superintendent Claire Guy-Alleyne, ASP Bridgelal, and W/Inspector Bacchus. The charges were laid by WPC Farrier. The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) is reminding the public that the use of camera drones in Port-of-Spain and other no-fly zones is strictly prohibited. The Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority has designated specific no-fly zones as per Civil Aviation [(No.19) Unmanned Aircraft Systems] Regulations 2016.
The no-fly zones are Port-of-Spain, Chaguaramas, Caroni, Point-a-Pierre, Point Lisas, Point Fortin and Galeota areas. Additionally, drones are not to be operated:
The TTPS said it will be deploying counter drone measures over Port-of-Spain and environs to assist with safety and security for the 60th Independence Day Celebrations today (Wednesday 31st August 2022). Members of the TTPS Air Support Unit and other law enforcement agencies will be paying special attention to unauthorized and errant use of drones for the entire day. “All necessary steps will be taken to safeguard and protect the public, service personnel, attendees and display aircraft especially where drones create a hazard during this very security-sensitive event,” the TTPS said. The Ministry of Health is advising members of the public that Minister of Health, the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, continues to be warded at the Arima General Hospital in a stable condition.
In a brief Media Release issued around 7:00 PM tonight (Tuesday 30th August 2022), the Ministry said Minister Deyalsingh is receiving the appropriate management and monitoring at the health facility. He first presented to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope, last night, after experiencing flu-like symptoms and was then transferred to the Arima General Hospital. The Ministry noted at the time that a diagnosis of COVID-19 was ruled out. The Ministry of Health revealed in its daily COVID-19 update this afternoon (Tuesday 30th August 2022) that there are 123 new COVID-19 cases in Trinidad and Tobago plus five (5) unfortunate deaths. T&T’s total active positive cases is currently at 5,869.
The number of new cases represents a 20.13% decrease in reported cases from yesterday. This is the third consecutive day of decreasing cases and active cases. The Ministry provided the following information about the latest deaths:
There have been 7,454 new cases and eighty-six (86) deaths so far in the month of August. The Ministry reported 154 new cases yesterday plus two (2) additional deaths. The country’s death toll has increased to 4,139. As of 24th August 2022, 308 deaths were fully vaccinated persons while 3,415 deaths were not fully vaccinated. 390 deaths were recorded prior to 24th May 2021 (date at which the first group of vaccinated persons became fully vaccinated). A total of 716,383 persons have been fully vaccinated, representing 51.2% of the population. Meanwhile, 683,617 persons are not fully vaccinated (only received a first dose or no doses), representing 48.8% of the population. 168,212 persons in total have taken a booster shot. Based on data from 22nd July 2021 - 24th August 2022, 4,145 patients in the parallel healthcare system (Hospitals and step-down facilities) are fully vaccinated, representing 20.3%, while 16,244 are not fully vaccinated, representing 79.7%. The Ministry states that the number of positive cases reported reflects the samples taken during a 2-day period between 28th - 29th August 2022 and not the last twenty-four (24) hours. The Ministry also notes that there are currently 237 COVID-19 positive patients in total being treated at Hospitals and step-down facilities (down 0.84% from yesterday). Six (6) are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and nine (9) are in the High Dependency Unit (HDU). According to the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service (TTMS) this morning (Tuesday 30th August 2022), there is a moderate concentration of Saharan dust present in the atmosphere. Persons are advised to take the necessary precautions.
The Met Office notes that morning sunshine, providing heating together with light and variable winds, is forecast to produce some showers in a few areas today. There is a 60% chance of a heavy shower or thunderstorm during the early afternoon, favouring Trinidad. The foreleg of the Tropical Wave associated with the area of interest to the East of the Lesser Antilles, will provide an increase in moisture over Trinidad and Tobago from late afternoon into night. As a result, some cloudiness will linger overnight with occasional showers in a few areas and the chance of a heavy shower or thunderstorm. It is forecast at this time that tomorrow morning (Wednesday 31st August 2022) will be generally sunny and during the late morning into the afternoon there is a chance for isolated thunderstorm activity. Areas of Interest: 1. The area of interest which the TTMS has been monitoring over the past several days continues in a general West-Northwest direction and at this time, poses no direct threat to Trinidad and Tobago. 2. Another area of interest in the far Eastern Atlantic, just off the West coast of Africa, is forecast to track to its immediate Northeast and also poses no threat to Trinidad and Tobago, at this time. The Met Office is advising citizens that we are entering the peak of the North Atlantic Hurricane Season and nearly half way through the Rainy Season. “Once again we are advising that the ground remains very moist and in some areas waterlogged, as a result, in the event of thunderstorms or heavy showers there is an elevated risk for street/flash flooding and landslides/landslips in areas to prone.” 32-Year-Old Deodath Ramkissoon Found ALIVE After Allegedly Being Kidnapped For Several Days30/8/2022 Pictured Above: Deodath Ramkissoon, 32. 32-year-old Deodath ‘Richard’ Ramkissoon has been found alive after being reported missing since Thursday (25th August 2022). The Hunters Search and Rescue Team (HSRT), led by Captain Vallence Rambharat, also confirmed the news that Ramkissoon has indeed been found alive.
According to reports, Ramkissoon, a former doubles vendor, was dropped off by his alleged kidnappers on the Manzanilla Road sometime between 4:00 AM and 5:00 AM this morning (Tuesday 30th August 2022). After managing to get in contact with Police, Ramkissoon confirmed that he went to drop off his workers in San Juan on Thursday night. While driving along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway (CRH) en route to his home at Orange Grove Trace, Pasea Extension, St. Augustine, he told Police his car was hit by a truck. After pulling to the side to inspect the damage, a bag was allegedly pulled over his head and he was forced into said vehicle. He alleges his kidnappers drove for approximately thirty (30) minutes to a house, where he was asked for the money he received from selling his Mercedes Benz. He denied owning or selling such a vehicle. He said the kidnappers also asked for a contact number to request a ransom but Ramkissoon told them he did not have one, as he left his phone at home. The kidnappers allegedly took $13,000 which he had in his pocket. Additionally, he told investigators that while he was in captivity for several days, he was only given two (2) bottles of water and three (3) hops bread. Ramkissoon’s relatives became worried when he failed to return home on Thursday night, prompting them to report him missing. They offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to his safe return on Sunday (28th August 2022). The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) asked for the public’s assistance in locating Ramkissoon via a social media post shortly after he was reported missing. His rental car was later found abandoned near the Immigration Detention Centre. This is a developing story - refresh this page for updates. [Source: Loop] The Ministry of Health is advising members of the public that Minister of Health, the Honourable Terrence Deyalsingh, presented to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope, last night (Monday 29th August 2022), after experiencing flu-like symptoms.
In a Media Release issued shortly before Midnight, the Ministry said a diagnosis of COVID-19 was ruled out. Minister Deyalsingh was transferred to the Arima General Hospital for further management and observation. He remains in a stable condition. This is a developing story - refresh this page for updates. |
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