Recent heavy rains caused Flash Floods on the Chaguanas Main Road as well as in front of the Chaguanas Police Station.
Watch the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
An early morning fire at T&TEC’s Sub-Station in Savonetta, Point Lisas is currently being investigated. The fire started around 8am on Independence Day, Friday 31st August 2018.
Watch the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley and Minister of Communications, Stuart Young, officially launched ‘TTT Limited’ this afternoon at 11a Maraval Road.
View the new ‘TTT’ logo below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Apple has just sent out Press Invites to their next iPhone Event - which, as rumored, will take place on Wednesday 12th September 2018 at Apple’s own “Steve Jobs Theatre” in Cupertino, California.
View the official Press Invite below and let us know in the comments if you’re excited about the next generation of iPhones.
Following months of work to rebrand ‘C TV’ to ‘TTT,’ the Minister of Communications, the Honourable Stuart Young has invited the Media to today's formal launch of TTT Limited at 2pm.
View the Ministry’s Media Invitation below for more information.
The Ministry of National Security is warning citizens that Drones are not allowed to be flown in Port-Of-Spain as it is a designated “No Fly Zone.” This warning comes as T&T gets ready to celebrate its 56th Independence Day with a Military Parade at the Queen’s Park Savannah on Friday 31st August 2018.
Read the Ministry’s Media Release below on the use of Drones.
The Ministry of Works and Transport is advising citizens that roadworks will be taking place in the vicinity of the Gasparillo Bypass (Southbound) on the Solomon Hochoy Highway between the hours of 9pm - 5am from Thursday 30th August 2018 to Sunday 2nd September 2018.
Read their Public Notice below for more information.
Bandits are nailing pieces of metal with a sharpened-end into the roadway in several parts of Chaguaramas (and possibly elsewhere) that will leave you with a flat tire.
When you eventually stop on the side of the road, they will attack and rob you. These devices were discovered by several workers from T&TEC while they were in the area earlier this week. Watch the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Share this video so others can be aware of this new tactic being used by Bandits in T&T.
Update: In addition to the absence of Teachers on 7th September, there may also be no Nurses in the Hospitals as well as no Maxi and Taxi Drivers on the roads as the Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) has called on the workforce to engage in a day of “rest and reflection”.
President of The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teacher’s Association (TTUTA), Lynsley Doodhai, has announced that all Teachers will be taking a day of “rest and reflection” on Friday 7th September 2018.
Doodhai made the announcement at a Media Conference on Wednesday 29th August 2018. Read the TTUTA President’s full statement below and let us know your thoughts in the comments. Schools will be devoid of Teachers come next week Friday (7th September). Do not waste your hard earn money for transportation costs, to prepare lunch because Teachers will not be in School on Friday. All Teachers, we are making a call to you, stay away, rest and reflect on the many issues that are troubling the Education Sector.
Following Petrotrin’s announcement today that its Pointe-a-Pierre Refinery will be closing, President General of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) is warning citizens of the repercussions from such an action.
Addressing hundreds of workers at Beaumont Hill, Pointe-a-Pierre, Roget said under the new restructuring plan, T&T's Crude Oil will be exported as raw material and local consumers will have to import the finished product at exorbitant prices similar to the days of slavery."Who will supply us with fuel?" Roget asked and someone in the crowd shouted "Venezuela." Continue reading the remainder of this article below.
"If that country faces a natural disaster or political civil unrest or economic mayhem, we will be at their mercy and they could cripple our economy! Is the government thinking about that?" Roget asked as the crowds applauded.
Roget said the motoring public had every reason to be worried, adding that consumers may end up paying international prices for fuel in the near future. This, he said will cause mayhem in T&T. [Source: CNC3] |
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